Eternal Golden Braid by Nicholas Mee
Symbolic Sculpture

Total Eclipse by Nicholas Mee

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© Nicholas Mee 2017.
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Symbolic Sculpture by Nicholas Mee and John Robinson
Symbolic Sculpture by Nicholas Mee and John Robinson Symbolic Sculpture by Nicholas Mee and John Robinson

The Symbolic Sculpture CD-ROM contains a collection of ray traced animations of 24 of John Robinson’s highly acclaimed abstract geometrical sculptures. The virtual sculptures are the product of a collaboration between John Robinson (1935 - 2007) and mathematician Nicholas Mee funded by Edition Limitée.

The animations were displayed alongside the sculptures at the Royal Geographical Society during the British Association Creating Sparks festival in September 2000. Most recently they have been displayed at the APLIMAT 2009 International Conference on Applied Mathematics in Bratislava, Slovakia.

Symbolic Sculpture by Nicholas Mee and John Robinson
Symbolic Sculpture by Nicholas Mee and John Robinson
Symbolic Sculpture by Nicholas Mee and John Robinson
Symbolic Sculpture by Nicholas Mee and John Robinson
Symbolic Sculpture by Nicholas Mee and John Robinson Symbolic Sculpture by Nicholas Mee and John Robinson

Click an image to open an animation of the sculpture.

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