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Virtual Image Publishing Ltd  184 Reddish Road, South Reddish, Stockport SK5 7HS, UK Tel: (+44) 07724 557658


Enzyme Lab
Perform virtual experiments with enzymes!

Conducting experiments with Enzyme Lab develops an understanding of the scientific method and a clear appreciation of enzyme kinetics.

With Enzyme Lab you and your students control all the experimental parameters:
Enzyme concentration, Substrate concentration, Temperature and pH. The virtual laboratory includes 8 different enzymes including catalase, pepsin and amylases, as well as competitive and non-competitive inhibitors.

Observe what it is happening in your flask with three levels of zoom showing overall molecular activity, a single enzyme and its surroundings or the active site of the enzyme and how it is operating.

The package also features an extensive manual of blackline masters which include the following:

Classroom Studies
Enzymes as Catalysts
Enzyme Structure
Enzyme Action
Factors Affecting Enzyme Action
Practical Uses for Enzymes
Enzyme Nomenclature

Computer simulation experiments
Enzymes and their Products   
Optimal Temperature of Enzymes
Optimal pH of Different Enzymes
Activity of Catalase          
Human Amylase and Temperature 
Temperature Variation and Enzymes 
pH and Enzymes Activity      
Enzyme Concentration      
Substrate Concentration

Suitable for Biology Key Stage 4 and A Level

      Available for Windows PC and Apple Mac
      Enzyme Lab is priced:
      unlimited user site licence - £199 + VAT
      extended site licence - £398 + VAT

      (The extended licence includes home use by teachers and pupils.)




05 November 2020